Trauma Therapy Clinic


Why You Need a Trauma Informed Therapist

Michael Dadson On Trauma Counselling and The Importance of Finding The Right Therapist

Dr. Michael Dadson emphasizes, ”In order to effectively resolve trauma, it is important to seek a trauma informed therapist”.

Dr. Dadson underscores:

A trauma informed therapist is aware of the various elements of trauma including recognizing the characteristics of traumatic stress such as the psychological impact, the impact on your body, and neurologically.



During Dr. Michael Dadson’s early career, he was a fellow and board member of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), providing comprehensive experience and research into trauma and Dissociation. Highly recognized, two of Dr. Michael Dadson’s research papers were published in the academic peer reviewed Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.

To book an appointment with Dr. Michael Dadson at his clinic Gentle Currents Therapy in Langley, British Columbia, or to receive a phone consultation click here.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and First Responders

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD) is when these reactions continue to reoccur for at least one month without resolving. “Seeking professional help immediately following a traumatic stressor may help prevent the onset of PTSD”, advises Dr. Dadson.

6 Reasons Why Veterans and First Responders are Prone to PTSD

Due to the nature of their professions, first responders and Veterans are particularly prone to PTSD.

Factors that contribute to the increased risk of PTSD in Veteran’s and First Responders:

  • Repeated Exposure to Trauma : Continuous exposure can increase the likelihood of developing PTSD for Veterans and first responders.
  • High-Stress Environments : Operating in high-stress environments where split-second decisions are critical, frequent pressure or demand for quick reactions may lead to heightened stress levels.
  • Witnessing Human Suffering : Suffering, injury, and death can have a profound impact on mental health and contribute to the development of PTSD.
  • Loss and Grief : A common aspect faced by first responders and military personnel is dealing with loss and grief. It can be emotionally challenging to witnessing colleagues, friends, or civilians succumb to injuries or traumatic events.
  • Lack of Control : In many situations, first responders and military personnel may perceive a lack of control over their circumstances. This belief can contribute to feelings of helplessness and exacerbate the impact of traumatic experiences.
  • Deployment and Combat Exposure : Military personnel, face unique stressors, especially those deployed in combat zones. Due to the intensity of combat, along with prolonged periods of separation from their loved ones, and the constant threat to personal safety, significantly increase the risk of developing PTSD.
  • Stigmatization and Barriers to Seeking Help : Stigma surrounding mental health within these professions, in addition to concerns about judgment, job security, or the perception of weakness, can delay or prevent individuals from receiving or accessing critical and effective treatment for PTSD.
  • Cumulative Impact :
    Those with long and dedicated careers in professions that involve repeated exposure to multiple traumatic events, over time are at risk contribute for the developing PTSD.

Dr. Dadson identifies:

Untreated traumatic stress can lead to long-term mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A mental health professional who is trauma informed can help you develop coping strategies and a treatment plan to manage your symptoms and improve your overall well-being.


20 Signs You May be Living with PTSD


10 Examples of Childhood Trauma (Adverse Childhood Events)